Friday, December 19, 2008

Gabee's FIRST babysitting job!!!

Happy!!! Gabs was packed and ready to go to the Watt's house 30 minutes before Lynettey picked her up!!
Don't let her fool you, she was TOTALLY excited about her first babysitting job with Madi Watts...

practicing on disciplining!! LOOK OUT MADI (laughing)

This is her bag. Watch the video to be filled with love and understanding!!

Seriously. This video is going to crack you up, Lisa.. This video was supposed to be about Gabs, but, as you watch, you will experience my second by second life with Izee. She is a PILL!!!!!


Tonight, Izee's new Dora Bed was delivered by UPS!! She SCREAMED when she saw the box. By the time I got the camara, she had calmed down, dangit, but, was still excited (video at bottom of pics). Anyway, this is Izee in her crib for the VERY LAST TIME (mommy, crying hysterically!!

Crib taken apart. standing in the middle

Helping me build the bed

Climbing into her NEW bed

Standing on the new bed!!! and LOOKIN' PROUD!!!

jumping into the covies!!!

Gettin' clean for the new bed! She told me she wanted a bath to be clean for new bed (smile)


Here she is. In her NEW BED :(

Lovin' the new bed

Nightie night, my beautiful big girl, Izee..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

No more monkey's jumping on the bed!!

This is Izee seeing her Dora box, after the UPS guy left.
She was screaming "DORA BED!!! DORA BED!!!" before I grabbed the camara!! oh well. Don't be afraid, that the box actually fell on top of her at the end of the video. That is why I had to stop filming immediately!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What do YOU do on a Sunday afternoon?

This past Sunday, the girls and I didn't even change out of our pajamas!! It was a totally, uneventful day. No church, nothin'. Just playin at our house...

Izee wouldn't leave Gabs alone. She wanted to climb inside her shirt. WHY YOU ASK?? Who knows how the mind of a two year old works!!

Almost through!!

So proud that she did it!!

Then to get her out of the shirt......

nearly dropped her!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This is Gabs and Izee playing tug-of-war with Reeta. I am continually amazed at our dog. She is such a perfect animal. She will play as rough as Gabs wants, but, when Izee starts to play, she goes easy on her and lets her take the sock...

After she knocked Izee down, she kept licking her to see if she was okay... LOVE YOU REETA!!!

Gabs, the concert Cellist

Last week was Gabee's debut with her cello!!! It was awesome, and she did perfectly. I was so proud of her..... Notice that all the other girls are wearing "black", but, Gabs chose to stand out, a bit!! GO GABS

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Pics

What a great halloween night!!! Except, Gabs was gone... She is old enough to go with her friends (sniff sniff)... BUT, we had a ball. Izee was hilarious!! She LOVED having all of our crazy neighbors at our door!!

Thanks for comin' to our house everyone... With our animated, creepy guys talkin', our sound system blarin "the nightmare before christmas, halloween song", and the doorbell dingin' all night long, it was an AWESOME evening!! I bought 15 bags of candy and I only have about 30 pieces left... That is what I call a successful Halloween!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why is it illegal to beat your children??

Erik told me that he and Cindy put Katie in timeout in her room, so, I tried that today. Usually I just plop Izee in a corner in whatever room we are in. So, I tried the Erik Reaveley technique.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thanks for the pillow, Auntie Lisa!!

Lisa, you totally SCORED with this pillow. She will not let anyone touch it, breathe on it, look at it, or attempt to desire it in any way. This is HER pillow!!!

Couldn't get her out bed today, because of it!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our day at Wheeler Farm

Don't you just love hangin' out with your friends?? Shalee, thanks for chillin' with Izee and me every month!! Can't wait til our next adventure!!

Izee, lookin' at the ducks!!
Shalee and Liza. My favorite thing about Liza is that she won't keep her shoes on!! Is this a girl after my own heart or what!!
Izee running down the stairs to go feed the ducks!!

wheeler continued

Liza and Izee... lookin' at the pig

mom, what's that?
These two are always tryin' to hug each other. Iz is movin in for the hug!! Notice Liza reachin' for her mom, after full body contact ensues.

Mikes 45th birthday!!

45 years ago, on a day just like today... Mike was born..... We had a great dinner with his mommy tonight... Lonestar Steak House... Sweet potatos... Prime Rib... I MISSED VIDEOING THE Happy Birthday SINGING, that was sweeeet!! and ended the night with a giant sugar rush!!

Isn't she a total hottie??!! This is Mike's cute mom. I love this woman!
That is HUGE!!
yummmmmm... chocolate!!

Izee was not interested in the brownie sunday. She only wanted to eat the cinnamon/brown sugar dry mix, that came with gramma's sweet potato.... ewwwww!!

We've Been BOO'd!!!!

I would love to say that I didn't know who boo'd us, however, I was actually on the front porch when "the mystery neighbor" walked up and handed our cute gifts to us!!!

This is Izee's first time on a bouncy ball. I didn't get on video her first five minutes, which were actually pretty hilarious. GO IZEE!!


This was Bryan and Lisa's birthday gift to Mike... PERFECT for our "HOUSE OF HORRORS!!"

I sure hope all my neighbors will come visit us on halloween... we just LOVE to EAT little children!!! oooops I MEAN... we just LOVE to give children treats!! yea yea, that's what I meant!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This is our little family, TRYING to watch the last 5 minutes of Iron Man with our FULL BLOWN TWO YEAR OLD!!! AGGHHH she tires us out!!

Could someone please tell her, those wings aren't real!!????

(before I get the emails, yes, she DID do a belly flop and, yes, she is fine!!!)

be afraid.... be VERY AFRAID!!!

I can't wait for all of the unsuspecting little children who will stumble upon our humble abode on Halloween eve....
Don't be afraid, my little morsels...

Last year, only a handful of children ran away screaming and crying from our door step!!!!! (eviiiillll laugh!!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well, Fall is here!! We already have some of our halloween decorations out. Gabs and Mike LOVE halloween and I LOVE the entire season...

This is Mikes mask. He adores this ugly thing!!!

I put it on and tried to scare Gabs two nights ago!!!

I slowly opened up the door and jumped out screaming in gutteral, creepy sounds, and waving my hands up and down!!!

Unfortunately, it wasn't Gabs.. It was Izee in the hallway and she fell over backwards CRYING and SCREAMING and FROZEN with fear!! (laughing)... It took our family over 30 minutes to calm her down, but, before long, she was friends with the mask...

Great impression of the mask, Gabs!!
Oh yes...I almost forgot....

Beware neighbors.... We intend to scare your children on halloween!!!!

World War II

Gabs had to do a report on something old we had in our house. She did it on this WWII German helmet. (also on a bullet from the civil war and a trunk that came across the plains with mikes family)... She wore the helmet around school the next day... (laughing...)

Mikes Little Boots


has discovered Mikes boots, from when he was a kid. She loves them.. Wears them a lot. Today she had clothes on, usually she is in her diaper only, and these boots... What a goof