Thursday, August 14, 2008

Remembering Marilyn

Sad thing.... This is a picture of my dearest friend, Marilyn Adams... She passed away this week, in her sleep. I am extremely sad about her passing. We just spoke two weeks ago, and I had just received an email from her the day she died. When my mom died (I was 12), Marilyn stepped in and became my "surrogate" mother... She was hilarious. I do not think I have ever laughed harder, then the times I spent with Mare. Liquid has spewed through my nostrils on many occasions, becuase she made me laugh so hard. A kid at heart, without a doubt the most positive influence on my life, service oriented, never put herself first, stalwart in her beliefs and religion, LOVED her family. She taught me what a family is supposed to be. I will miss my second mom.... I will miss my friend....

Unfortunately, her funeral is on the day, Gabs and I were supposed to go to California. Therefore, I have cancelled the trip. Gabs was so broken-hearted about the cancellation of our trip. She was really looking forward to some "alone time" with her and I again.
She is too young to understand the importance of this woman in my life, and life-saving role she played.... but, when she is older, maybe she will.


Ute Family said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I can't imagine what you are feeling right now. I hope you are comforted. And yes, your daughter will realize what she meant to you one day.

The Munkies said...

i can read no is blank...i feel like this is an omen...there are many pictures but no voice...i love you! call me and tell me what is going on in your life!

Joey and Nettifer said...

Darn it! I am so sorry = it just isn't fun and loosings someone is never easy. Love you!

Crissy said...

I am so sorry about your friend! That must be very hard for you and I want you to know I love you and I am here if you need me. I am also sorry about your trip. I know you and Gabs were looking forward to some girl time. Take care and call me when you have a minute. Know I am thinking of you.