Saturday, September 6, 2008

LAGOON WITH FRIENDS!! a totally, terrific, perfect day

Meet Brad, another of Gabee's friends. He's great. We have wanted to take him with us "somewhere" this summer, but, never got around to it. It only took about $50 but, they finally won these stupid ties (laughing)
First ride... Cliff Hanger... Got very wet.
This was Brads FIRST time on Wicked. He is biting his nails, and Gabs doesn't look like she is doing too well either!!
Wild Mouse


Draper's said...

So Cute!! I think this is just the beginning to all of the boys that are going to chase our cute Gabbers!!

Ute Family said...

You gotta love Lagoon. Hours of entertainment for the kids.

BTW, not that it matters but I want to explain myself...I didn't go to choir practice this am due to a family baby blessing AND I won't be at the performance on the 21st cuz I'll be out of town. SO, I'm all yours after that.

I just didn't want you to think I was flaking out on you after I told you I'd be there!